Monday, 28 November 2011

My Drawing Animation - (Pikatchu)

Drawing animation is a time consuming and patient because you have to draw still picture to create the illusion that something is moving. This technique is a lot of efforts compare to the other animation techniques because you have to imagine how you going to draw your animation, how do you make it move according to your plan.

The good thing about this drawing animation is the outcome of  the drawing it is look great, and and everything it goes to my plan.

The prostrating about this is a time consuming because you have to draw every single frame of your drawing animation and also you have to put details to your drawing animation to look great.

For me even though the drawing animation was the hardest technique that I experience this technique I enjoy the most because if you imaginative and got skills of drawing your skills continuing to improve and also this technique will test you how far your creativeness  about drawing.

My Pixilation Animation

Pixilation is a stop-motion technique especially used for animating live actor. This technique is similar to object animation because you have to move the actors and objects step by step to capture every single frame of the movement.

I and my classmate decided to add another technique which is drawing animation to create pixilation animation, we mix this technique to pixilation to create illusion.

I enjoy this technique as well because when we start  making this animation we have limited idea but we manage to expand our idea to create unique pixilation animation, although some part of our drawing was time consuming we still manage to handle it.


This is  my first cut out animation that I made.

This technique involves moving cut out shapes in small steps and taking picture at each stage, to all animation techniques that I experienced this technique is a lot less of work than having to draw every single frame of the animation. 

The good thing about this technique is you just cut the image that you going to use to your animation without struggling to draw every single frame. 

The frustrating about this technique is when you cut all stuff that you needed to your animation and ready to animate them you have to make sure every single of your cut out are plat otherwise it’s difficult to animate them.

CWC Time Laps - Koyaniskatsi

This video was created by different group in our class and put them together to create a final video same as the original video  Koyaniskatsi. To make this video we work as a team we share our opinion to each other and we plan  where we going to capture our time laps. the outcome of this project was great we are all happy to it.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011





Wednesday, 12 October 2011


Here's my first zoetrope animation that I drawn

Zoetrope is a optical toy in which figures made to revolve or spin around on the inside, and it viewed through the slits in its border, and it's appear like a single figure passing through natural motions as if animated. Zoetrope is important because it is a first animation object invented to create a movement. 

My experience using this object (zoetrope) it was fun and easy to used, because you can make your drawing animation move without repeating your drawing over and over again. If I am going to compare this to other techniques that I experience this techniques I’ll say had the advantage and ability to make your animation move without spending time and effort to draw every single frame of your animation.

William George Horner
 He in vented  the Zoetrope in 1834.