My name is Alfredo Ocampo. I’m 19 years old. I was born in Quezon City Philippines. I have studied my high school in the Philippines but I didn’t have a chance to finish it, because my parents decided to take me to the UK and continue my studies.
Now, I have been living in London for 4 years and 7 months. I did my GCSE’s at Cardinal Hensley and by the time I got my results I have decided to go to college which is Hammersmith rather than staying at Cardinal Hensley.
I studied in Hammersmith for 2 year and finish my course which is BTEC First Diploma in applied Science level, 1 and 2 as of now I’m still a college student and currently studying at Westminster College doing my 1st year BTEC National Diploma in New Media.
Every Sunday I go to my church.
My hobbies are:
Hanging out with my friend and staying at their house while playing Xbox, watching different movies, composing rap songs lyrics and playing basketball. My favourite colour is black because it’s representing a specific colour and most of my clothes that I wear are black.
The great achievement in my life so far is when I was 16 years old I fought WEKAF championship martial arts in Bristol and won bronze medal. If I am going to describe myself it would be “I am a very quiet and simple person”.
In this essay I am going to talk about interactive videos, such as different platforms and categories. Interactive video is software that responds quickly to certain choices and command by user. It is a typical system consists of a compact disk, computer and videos technology. The different platforms of interactive videos that exist on are: Internet, mobile phones, DVD players, Xbox, iPod so on and so forth.
The purposes of interactive videos are giving information to enable the users to know what is going on around the world. For example: TV broadcasting such as BBC News. Entertainments is important because this is where you can relax and enjoy yourself at the same time, such as playing games in the internet, Xbox and watch any kind of movies that have been release to the cinema, like AVATAR, SALT,THE LAST EXORCISMS and many more.
Advertising is very important because it helps the companies to persuade the societies to buy their products using interactive videos by advertising their product on TV, Internets and broadcasting in radios.
Education is where you can learn, study and research using one of interactive videos which is internet.
Now I am going to explain the two categories of the videos that I have been looked at about viral marketing, user generated material, virtual tours and film trailer.
Viral marketing is advertising and marketing system that has been passed on from market to market. Also, these skills have the ability to start very small and huge size. This is another way of a very effective online marketing because it speeds and effectiveness of internet communication.
The two videos that I looked at in Viral marketing are Dove commercial
As you can see in the video when the women came up she is not very attractive but by the help of makeup artists and professional editor s turned her to a very attractive woman by changing her overall appearance, enlarged her neck lines , eyes and chick bones .
The target audience of this commercial are the ladies who loves using facial cosmetics to persuade them to buy their "dove" products. The purpose of making this video is to show to the people what can media can really do in order to make money.
This clip is showing a kid playing with his toys and found a vibrator and thinks that it's a missile or rocket. When the kid switch the vibrator on and starts to vibrate it makes him laugh so much. / The target of this clip are parents and adult to let them know that they should be aware to put their personal belongings in safe place where kids cannot reach it.
This purpose of making this clip is to create humor that can catch the attention of the viewers, especially adults. This is because to let them realize that they have to keep their valuable things that kids shouldn't be playing with.
Usergenerated refers to material on websites, and occasionally other media sources that are produced by the users of the website.
As you can see to this video it is edited professionally and the background music fit to the context of video.The purpose of this video is to teach the youngster who rely love to skate to learn how to do the tricks.
Virtual tour is a model of an open location, usually composed of an order of video images. They can also use other multimedia elements such as sound effects, music, describing and text.
This website shows us the images of different location which you can play around with it to see the whole area and you can zoom it so you can see it more clearly for example, Windsor Castle. This photo is taken by professional photographers and editors to make it look more impressive for the viewers.
This is a typical type of website that allows the tourists to look at those places clearly rather than a normal website. This is because you can move and enlarge the picture. The purpose of making this is that to have a unique idea of showing a picture of a place to persuade the people, who are very interested with historical places such as tourists.
When you look at this place in person it doesn’t look really attractive compare in this photo because it has already been edited and taken by professional photographers to make it more attractive and makes the viewers visit the place.
People who visited this website can see the difference in other websites if they want to look at this picture such as tourists. This is because in this website you can move it around and see the whole view of London Bridge and zoom it to see it clearly and in more detail.
The purpose of this is that they can show how media can make the place looks more interesting and persuade the people visit a place as well as to make money of it.
Film trailer is an advert for a feature film that will be shown in the future at a cinema.
As you can see this movie has a 3d effect that really brings dance routines to life. Also, you can see in the movie the difference of real London and the images that it shows in the film. This is all because of 3D stereoscopic images that provide spatial information that trick a user’s brain into believing and seeing depth in the image.
The purpose of this film is to show that media can do a lot of things such as making this film in 3D in order to make it popular, makes their watchers bust their moves and the most important to make money.
The targets of this film are those people who are very in with the dancing and modern soundtracks especially, teenagers because it’s fun and there are a number of celebrities that really makes a good impact on the movie to persuade them to watch it.
Avatar is a 3D film that looks so real and amusing when you watch it because of different visual effects shot that makes it brings to life. They are all digital characters and environments are the machines, vehicles equipment that help blur the line between imagination and reality.
The target audiences for this movie are the person who loves watching 3-D experience of a futuristic war on a distant alien planet such as, such as 16 and above.
The purpose of making this video is to show that media can do lots of things including in films to make create a good impact to their audience such as making it in 3D, using different effects and many more, which makes their audience makes more happier because a lot of them are tired and bored of watching a normal film.